Category: Lesson

  • On The Universal Watch. . .

      There is a universally ineffable, inherent bedded value in all life that holds us all accountable.  It is this which we must answer to.  Not because of  Others’ intent,  but of our own basic divinity, our own intent. We may try to dismiss this urgency within us,  but we cannot destroy it.  It will…

  • From The Top Of My Heart. . .

      (January 29, 2017 journal entry I want to share.  It is only in rereading that I realize that I connect all manner of things in thought.  It is the reason for my seamless existence.  It all connects.) Man cannot put in what God has left out.  Joe Biden in the Clarence Thomas hearings said…

  • It Is Good. . .

      It is not without recourse that the soul cries in the night.  It is not with abandon that the individual who mourns whatever loss, be it of his innocence,  or that of physical parting, is left.  We know and are known and never is there a thought which rises from the physical brain and…

  • No Rush To Judgement. . .

      No Rush To Judgement. . .I am 85 so there is no rush to judgement.  These are conclusions with thoughtful consideration in this third of a series. Is this how the rest of the world works?  That they have no inner motivations and can find nothing to spur them on?  Some said they couldn’t…

  • The Dark Side Man Calls His Humanity. . .

          (When I sat in my first Philosophy class and the Instructor was explaining the different ways of looking at life,  he went into detail about how some teachers thought every day life was illusion,  not real.  There was snickering of course because how could such details as study and tests be not…

  • An Ever Fixed Mark . . .

      love is. . . an ever fixed mark that looks   on tempests  and is never shaken. . it is a star to every   wandering   bark. . . Shakespeare   I awakened with these   lines committed  .  I who never commits her own work   to memory and realized  that this…

  • To Make a Difference. . . .

      We come to help make better.  We come because we hope to make a difference, however small.  The small things, when carried out with concern, can involve a lifetime or many lifetimes.  You cannot change the course of genetic evolution.  It takes its time.  Engineering may be able to code the dna but the…

  • The Broader Focus. . . .

      The Larger Picture. . . One of the first joys of kindergarten I remember was being told to connect the dots and behold!  A picture was formed within the larger picture and it was visible and I could identify it!  What joy.  It was a beginning for me then to look at everything to…

  • Croesus, My Country

    Croesus, My Country Croesus stumbled and laid back a war torn skin for public autopsy. With bruises bested by emotional welts too deep to be visible, he wept. In the eye of the cyclone, the earth’s erratic heartbeat was his heart; the blood drenching the soil was his blood and the screams of the mothers…

  • A Touch Of Grace . . .

        June 14, 2016 Tuesday 5 a.m. What is Grace? Grace is a benevolent gesture bestowed to relieve a yearning,  a burden shadowing a heart that is struggling for relief.   It is a knowledge,  an insight given to be applied to oneself to help understand and give this relief to someone yearning for answers, …