Category: Uncategorized

  • New Surroundings

    To those of you who have been following my blog and wondering when or if I would  return, we are now established in our new surroundings in St. Johns, Florida.   Driving into the southern parts of these United States from West Virginia down,   I could only find one word to describe my beloved evergreens in…


    In the case of young women who have cracked glass ceilings,  I wish to remind them that generations of women have prepared partners for them who wish to parent their children.  That there were women free of commitments or those who shrugged those commitments  to do what they felt was theirs over the years  was…

  • Kiss The Moon Winner

    I am pleased to announce that the winner of the drawing of Kiss The Moon is Luanne Thulstrup who is from the Northwest.   I wish to thank all those who entered and viewed my work.   And I wish to thank Maria Wulf for her generous offer to speak of the drawing on Full Moon Fiber…

  • Poetry Book Drawing

    This week there will be a drawing for the book of poetry called Kiss The Moon.   The number picked will be at random and I will announce the winner on Friday.   So when you comment on whatever post you like or have thoughts about,   I will be notified and I will put names in a…

  • My Cosmic Valentine

    Every year  I wait for my Cosmic Valentine.   It comes after a summer of getting the harvest ready for another year until spring planting.   The summers for me were too long and the winters too short.   When winter came it gave the necessary time for me to feed my need for knowledge.   It was a…

  • A Good Friend (from Kiss The Moon)

        You stayed the night while I lumbered my body through a partition closing me from life. While I fought through a sea of memories holding me hostage to long and lonely years. You saw me through eyes of tears reflecting the hardness mine needed to smelt with coals being fired in a heart…

  • My Love Of Barns

    When I was a young girl we moved to The Farm.   It was the most beautiful place my eyes had yet seen.   The red barn sat on a hill opposite the white house also sitting on an incline.   And outside any window were horizons as far as my eyes could see.   But the red barn…

  • Sacred Permit

    I am posting this wall quilt with the hope that it will be purchased for someone who is expecting a child.  It has always been mine to know that we come with a sacred permit that says we are chosen as our parents are also chosen.   I know this is not a commonly held concept, …

  • A Wonderful Experience

    Yesterday,  the day of the opening exhibit and reception was fun and enlightening.  Fun because meeting people is just that but enlightening because of the questions asked of me.   Comments such as ‘there are no two alike’ and also ‘how do you do it?’ and then ‘where did you train?’  And for me,  given to…

  • The Gallery. . larger view

    This is a larger view of The Gallery at Oak Park Arms in Oak Park, IL.    There are 22 wall quilts on view and for purchase.   Don’t forget my books,  Kiss The Moon,  The Woman Speaks and Gives Grace,  and also The Last Bird Sings will also be for purchase.    I am looking forward to…