Listen world, Listen. God In a Rock. . . .
(As we head into Earth day, I am approaching my 88th birthday and my world is iffy right now and if I could leave a letter to beloveds I would say this. )
There is a connection to all of our Earth. From the sky to the ground, the mud , the parched soil, the flooding rivers, the oceans full of debris, of everything I breathe. There is a connection.
The rain, the snow, the earthquakes and the tornadoes plus all that cannot be imagined by the mind that writes these words. All of these are connected.
And if we think from this minute on that we are separate, that we are not connected, when all of these malfunction and we cannot draw breath, we will know how connected we are.
It is our purpose in life to protect our surroundings with every means we can. From the wrapper of our candy or what we dismiss as garbage, to what we hold to be holy in hand and our mind. Because it can go down the tube again as it has in our past when mankind looked upon life with common disdain and treated our Earth as a compost heap.
It can be taken away. Not by a grandfather god whom you may think sits in judgment but by our carelessness which assumes Earth to be a disposal to grind our refuse. The world cannot absorb and decompose what is not natural to it. It accumulates and kills all life.
It does not take care of itself. Our lack of caring transfers to everything we touch. Everything. We have lost our respect for our laws and institutions which have sustained us because they were built on foundations of need , of prayer, of yearning for respect for our divine selves. We knew of our cosmic beginning, as everything was and is and will continue to be.
But what we lose is everything with our disrespect for ourselves because this is what decimation of our earth amounts to. Basically we have lost our respect for who we are and who we brought into life through our loins when we loved an other for the right reasons.
Not for anything we labeled other than the highest and best we could feel and give to an other because we knew love. But we denigrated even that to bedroom gymnastics with babies being brought into existence not because we loved wisely and well but by careless consequences.
We learned how to do that so well, haven’t we? Our world now bursts its seams with souls we cannot feed, nor time to love the babies. We scramble for space with fertile soil to grow food and house 8 billion people.
Listen, world, please listen. We stand now to lose the classroom that the universe waits in line to enter. It is the best classroom where manifestation of the idea can be handled and utilized to the highest degree. It is the place where love manifests in a human being with mind and body and soul.
It is a god participant in stature and thought and dreams. This is the bedding that will send our least imagined, last imagined, unbelief into soaring magnificence because it is the sendoff for the Becoming of what cannot be envisioned.
How else to bring the mirror in front of our faces and say look at yourself? It is you, us, me, that has the world in its hands. The universe that we cannot yet comprehend cannot be put into the laboratory to say this is how it works. Because that knowledge we don’t have, has not been conceived and will not ever be writ.
I pray you see god in a rock. I pray you see god laying beneath the rock. In all its forms. In the air we breathe, the sky that covers us, the earth that upholds our frame that took eons to stand upright. Listen world, listen. Take care of this planet. For many it is the only place that is real to them. For me, it is a place to love into being the souls I have chosen who chose me as mother and grandmother and grandmother great.
I loved these souls into Being. They in turn have loved their worlds into Being. Look about you. To the morning that will not come to those you love. To the day that will not harbor the ideas they have crafted into being. To the night that will cover them with love so they will engage also in what will give birth to more dreams. Would you deny them this?
They have your name attached to them. They will carry what you have done, and not done. Those ideas and thoughts of omission and commission. Our Mother Earth. Think how we refer to her. Mother Earth. There is not one of us who leaves her at the end of our lives without our thought always linking to who we refer to as Mother. It is with love, either hoped for, missed or known.
Give your remaining days of caring onto her. Do what is necessary to restore her well being. She will take care of you and what you have loved into Being. Do this for her and in so doing you will not have to pick up your mistakes which are costly.
Our names are attached and the mortgage is for eternity. Yes, eternity is forever, starting now.
photo of Rock from
The Farm. . .Kathy Qualiani
Photo of Emma E.
by Merideth Hallissey