It will be said. . . .
(It will be said that I talk to myself. If this is the case, I challenge all to find words for what I do and ask that you find words to describe and do likewise. Perhaps you will find not words in our language but a symbol that could be understood.
Some will find my work unpalatable. I walked the streets with a rumble in my gut and a head ready to implode and wondering again if my world was going to crash. I had to keep it steady for three good reasons which were my sons. So I walked until I steadied myself. There was no one to lean on.
I thought of the roomful of psychiatrists I talked to who asked me to tell them what happened. They could not find a diagnosis in their references to label me. They thought me articulate and rational and coherent and obviously alive to question a something not familiar. Some never heard of the road to Damascus.
If this is my Greater Self, (I call them Teachers) then find yours. If yours does not answer your thoughts, are your thoughts not worthwhile?
In the past year I have written about the worlds I am familiar with in concentric circles and gentle fishes called Nords and Kerns and drawn pictures of mountains with trees I later learned to be solar catches for homes without the need for chimneys. Look through the Archives in my blog and see what I try to say without upset.
Time has us by the throat. We must educate or lose our blessed classroom. We start again with the children who understand quantum theory. They have lived it. Carefully listen. The following is an excerpt from a lecture by the Teacher dated February 1, 2018.)
On Simultaneous Time. . . We deal with linear measurement where you are. It has stabilized the environment making teaching easier and learning a respite for the tired mind. We say that the child’s play has to stop. Because children now being born are versed to the enth degree with how it is in worlds with which they are familiar. And are thrown into the hodge podge of linear measurement which is kindergarten for them. They are already versed with the thunder rolling God of whom you write. Your version is what they understand but is not the easier grandfather god being taught who takes the child in his arms and forgives all. Since we are dealing with becoming and already your readers have taken upon themselves to think as becoming other than what they are, we make progress.
So now we insert that all this has connection. It is of importance that the simultaneous world of time and events are still happening is essential to growth. We have here your ability to live almost to a hundred with the idea sustaining you through the years. You take events and artifacts in your night travels from one culture and take them with you and display them with artifacts of the world you are in.
Where do ideas come from? In your world you use technology other worlds are already using. Brought through dreams, meditation, through conference with other entities which often are silent but portraying ideas through icons. Emphasis is always on progress with integrity. You get that and see that.
The past is still happening, the future has already happened and here in the present we race to catch up with it. The babies are born knowing this and if their vocal apparatus was mature, they would be shouting at us. This is the first concept that must be integrated. It is necessary for man to relate to his history. See where man has been and where he is today and what he has not learned. If not learned, it is repeated and circumstances next will not be as conducive. The past is still happening, the icons are being smashed, symbolizing centuries of man’s desire to translate the divine into the material.
Not only does man smash the icons but also the humans who built them.