The Jenny Genes. . . .this Mother’s Day. . .
She was a formidable woman with a bundle of energy having the potential to create another world. She wielded this energy with considerable force. That said, the heavens took note of Jenny and decided that this creature would not be wasted. And she wasn’t. Hand in glove she pushed her progeny. Told them all what…
Let Your Light So Shine. . . .
Let Your Light So Shine. . . There are some souls who are among us that simply light up our lives. We often cannot say exactly why but they bring a feeling of it’s okay now, or now we can begin, or simply bring together parts of us that have no putting place. It’s as…
Work? . . Are we god-enough to do it?. . .
When we are plagued with a problem and have tried everything we can think of and those things we invent and the problem is still with us, we then conclude there is no answer. If there was an answer, the problem would be solvable. There would be circumscribed ways of doing things and we could…
Roses and Evergreens. . . what happened to the dream?
We Are The God Participants and We Carry the Dream. . . . My stamina is low or nil. I think I can do something because my head envisions, but my body does not follow. I spend time now waiting for this national nightmare to end and find others adding to the nightmare. I…
The Mind’s Residual. . . .
The Heavens open momentarily and close but the glimpses from the views linger and haunt one forever. **** The Self wills but the human spirit cannot be legislated. Statistics are meant to sell beer. ***** It is not the Mystery of Life which stunts man and does not beguile him to further thought. It is…
Rituals and Habits, A Practice of Life. . . . .
Habits. . . The thud of the back door as it swings shut, the sound of keys clinking to their place on the stairs, tell me even in my sleep, that you are home. Small things noted, giving rise to habits observed, a sense of ritual to a life filled with them. We continue rituals,…
A Heart’s Commitments. . . .
A Given . . . There comes to mind in the space of time a leverage. . . gaining for one a semblance of peace. Silly, it sometimes is when the purpose of life is to regain and reclaim this right. It is of no consequence now in the sleeping hours of a…
Painful Perspectives. . .
The tablet is yellowed and the typed pages, crisped with age. The year is 1979 and I had to use my calculator to see that it is now 40 years old. But yesterday I read in a brochure for a health magazine that one of its articles states that the brain does not know how…
Our Connection To All That Is. . . .
We Honor Your Life (Sometimes there is a need to be reminded of the good the best of Mankind does and this is one of those times. This essay was one of the first I did for my blog and there may be new readers who missed this. In these times when we…
Everlasting Life: caterpillar to butterfly. . . .
In this spiritual week for us so inclined, memory is mine of those who have transited from my life. All my beloveds come to mind, but one incident from the children’s younger days stays with me with more clarity because of my path. I was standing at the door of the room shared by the…