Author: Veronica Hallissey

  • We Are The Music. . . .

            We Are The Music. . . You say, pull the shade! Or the neighbors will see.     I say, What will they see? Us dancing? I rest my head on your shoulder and am happy in the embrace. Us dancing in the kitchen too small to move much, but close…

  • Valentines For Ever’one . . .

      ‘Til ever’ name is called  . . . Can we make valentines,  he asked?    The younger looked as if he was torn by a big decision. Why make them, I asked?   ‘Cause there are lots I know and they be real from me,  he said.   How real I asked and he looked at me…

  • For The Holy Day of Heart. . .

                        Touch Me. . . Lean over and touch that part of me that shows you know where I live. Love me in the way that shows you know who I am. Vulnerable though I be, trusting I am. I love you, knowing the parts of…

  • The Fairyland Was Real. . . .

    This time you will mentally shape the thoughts for this poem.  You will remember the child you were at heart and the times when the world became a fairyland.  We all have these memories and we take them out when the world becomes brittle and sharp.  With these memories,  few that they are,  it becomes…

  • Camelot Moment. . . .eternity practicing. . . .

      When given and we are present in heart and mind, it is a rare gift.  I call it a Camelot Moment because it was perfect in itself and yet a confirmation to a philosophy in process.  It met with great appreciation when first published and now approaching Valentine’s Day,  for new readers, I wish…

  • It Is Hard Being Human. . . but a privilege. . . . .

                                                                                                              Love her, she is ours. . . .   I am grateful for my readers who follow my work though they may not agree and sometimes not understand what I talk about.  I overheard  one talking to my son and he said he…

  • The Heart Knows Its Own Amen. . . .

      Oftentimes I have written about the cosmic importance of families and homes and many take this as opposition to the seeming greater importance of worldly concerns.  The reality lists toward the impossible harnessing of worldly affairs by adults with hungers left unfed as children when they could have been directed toward  good,  toward universal…

  • Only Said A Hat Was Required!!!. . . .

    It didn’t say exactly what kind was the implied accusation!  And I laughed out loud to the silence surrounding and know that the great grandfather on the other side of the veil  was harrumphing that she is another like you with no fashion sense! And I said to Emma E. more like me, please love,…

  • Coming To The Sainted Day of Heart. . . .

    They are such simple words but for some people to say the words will cost them dearly they think.  And yet to another,  their lives hang precariously they know if they don’t hear the words soon.     When one speaks from one’s heart,  the Other intuitively must answer from one’s own, or not answer at…

  • Choice Goods Are The Children. . . .

    I was asked by a grandchild when I would start talking about how I write.  It was important that people understood the connection between worlds and they the youngest ones came with more open heads. The first work was almost 5 years ago and I will reprint some.  Because my readers now are familiar with…