We Are Stewards. . . Accountable. .
It has been about five years since I started my blog at the insistence of a perceptive grandson who thought his grandmother should be heard. So he set me up on my blog and I have been writing three and four times a week. Poetry, essays and vignettes, excerpts and paradigms and observations. Prayers…
With Peace As Natural As Breath To Us. . . .
From my heart to yours, I send my Christmas message. In this holiest of seasons, where the desire for peace nudges all hearts no matter their persuasion, let us give way to these highest and best of all emotions and act upon them. By acting upon them until they are second nature to us, in…
Do You Hear?. . . .
Do You Hear? Do I have more minutes to finish? There was no time for answers because the little one with a dash was out of sight. In a few minutes he was back and announced, I finish. Having learned to wait while private things were finished, I waited again while he proceeded…
Beneath The Wings . . .
Being the child that I was, rooted in memory solidly, I could not help being a trial to my mother. Having seven other children of normal vintage , she could compare easily and wonder loudly why I had to be different. It was not by intent but by inclination of the tree.…
The Power Within . . .
The power to change the world begins with the intention and the desire to change ourselves . We must become the person we want someone else to be. We want the compassion , the love, the intelligence , the strength, the ability to see the larger picture, to see what they …
Actions Are Stone . . .
Do not be swayed by tears which well and have no basis in words of the person when actions pronounce another philosophy . We can always well into tears but our actions will betray us. ***** Do not accept apology for inadequate behavior when nothing is done to correct it. Apologizing does not relinquish…
A Blessed World. . .
With my life long lack of physical prowess , it is with despair I faced getting from one place to another . Long plane rides always had me looking for either a pharmacy or a doctor . It was not fun. Even as old as I am, recuperation from a journey takes…
An Ever Fixed Mark . . .
love is. . . an ever fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken. . it is a star to every wandering bark. . . Shakespeare I awakened with these lines committed . I who never commits her own work to memory and realized that this…
With Immense Gratitude, Happy Thanksgiving. . . .
As I prepare to pack and ready myself for the journey to the opposite coast, there will be a lull on this blog for awhile. The children I live with wish to prepare quarters for me to avoid disruption again and I appreciate their concern. My other son will be accompanying me and overseeing and…
The Conflicting Cancer. . . .
The Conflicting Cancer. . . The water runs cool and I soak the facecloth to make it wet and wrung out as I fold it over your very warm brow. Ahhh you say and it feels better and I know my presence is the comfort needed. Your hands unclench and I see you rest. I’ve…