Author: Veronica Hallissey

  • As I See It. . . .

      As I See It . . . . There are no more answers anywhere except those written within the individual on his heart.  It is all there for him to discover and what he discovers will be adequate for this time.  It works to cover tracks and to discover just one more truth which…

  • Just a Thought in Passing. . . .

    Out of the mouths will come words and in those moments when patience is tired, those moments will speak truth. ***** Un-swallowed remorse is such that no throat opens wide enough to accommodate the sorrow. ***** Optimism comes easily to a body that feels good. ***** In one lifetime, there is always one relationship that…

  • Let It Begin With Me. . . .

    The Mind set to turn a particular way is already bent. . . The Teacher It is a benign universe in which we are, always just, always fair to the extreme.  If it does not appear so, our view of it may be  in need of adjustment.  Perhaps, just perhaps our focus is too narrow.…

  • A Matter Of Faith. . . .

    It is amusing to me because whether we believe it or not,  all of life is a matter of faith.  And when the century mark gets closer,  one is no more surprised than I am to recognize the ceiling in the morning bedroom.  When my dentists says we will see you in six months,  it…

  • The Need To Lean. . . .

    The words hang in mid air never to be forgotten as the voice that smugly said,  what’s so great about babies?  Anyone can have a baby!  And try telling that to the couple who have already spent thousands upon thousands of dollars just trying to do that.  Have a baby. Would it come as a…

  • Night Train From Chicago. . . .

      A Matter Of Heart. . . The terminal was unbearably hot.  The crowd was gathered ready to embark the train for points East.  The luggage crowded the children who were crowding the legs of the adults.  Handbags swayed menacingly as little children strayed too close.  It was a hot and sweaty atmosphere and not…

  • Some Thoughts To Consider. . . .

    Observations. . . One day when I stood at the kitchen window and looked at the neighbor’s new garage, I thought how wonderful that he took the blue prints and constructed the garage by himself.  I am sure he felt trepidation at the onset and yet he did it.  I heard in my inner self,…

  • To Break The Fast. . . .

      It is a protection given us I think,  that however our minds work, we assume we are like everyone else,  or they like us.  I am not sure when I began to realize that differences abound,  but still I have difficulty when I am approached or when in frustration someone shouts,  I don’t know…

  • To Think Is A Hard Work . . with power to change a world. . . .

    A reader wrote and asked how to make a difference.  Teaching was his profession and of course his talents would be appreciated.  As Americans, our first reaction has always been what can I do.  Do being the operative word.  How can we break this down to sizeable chunks to be effective.  My first response is…

  • Who Will Teach The Children?. . . .

    With the hostile assault on the gay community and the families and people who love them this past week, with the events on our national scene which should bring us all to shame,  and our consciences to alert,  I think we are past all time when excuses and alibis ask for forgiveness.  It is time…