Category: Essays

  • Her Voice Will Be Heard. . .

    I had intended to do a post on my blog this morning but after reading Maria Wulf’s post this morning on her blog, I am giving her space because her essay is well written and pertinent to our time.  For those women who are of recent years and have had no experience with sexism I…

  • In The Midst of The Secular. . . .

      Because of the head that sits on my shoulders,  I have worked this life the best I could.   Because I grew up in a house of brothers, I learned to do many things simply by observing.  They tolerated my presence and I learned to watch and say nothing that would get on their nerves.…

  • The Table. . . the altar of the family

      It was a different time frame and there were no credit cards nor funds to back what we desired.  Several elderly English/Scottish relatives had given to our growing family bits of china that had been cherished.  Not whole sets,  but pieces.  And I dearly wanted a hutch to show these pieces.  Decades later we…

  • The Teachers. . .

    Running Toward a Truth. . . In the prior mini essay,  I spoke of the larger picture,  the broader focus.  It was necessary for me to learn this practice because to see the immanent god,  the god within,  I had to be able to view humanity totally to be able to appreciate the individual.  As…

  • Outside The Frame of Reference. . .

      Outside The Frame of Reference.  Oftentimes I seem to speak in a language that is foreign to my listeners,  whether they be family or friends.  What I say is obvious to me, clear as crystal and  I am using the same words I hear from them all,  but  I stumble.  I strive for a…

  • Process of Change. . .

    I had just put the dog out and as she limped  I  thought  it did not take away from her exuberance in the moment. We often think our present problem spoils everything.   It will if we allow it to.   We can learn to overlook or look over the problem, physical or otherwise to see that…

  • The Example Teaches. . . no crossed signals. . .

    Quantum, sumus, scimus. . . you are what you know. . . Sometime in my history,  someone touched my life with their example and I learned to love books.  It was in reading that I became aware that the Talmud taught that the only reason for Being was learning.  Learning became the end in itself. …

  • As I See It. . . .

      As I See It . . . . There are no more answers anywhere except those written within the individual on his heart.  It is all there for him to discover and what he discovers will be adequate for this time.  It works to cover tracks and to discover just one more truth which…

  • Let It Begin With Me. . . .

    The Mind set to turn a particular way is already bent. . . The Teacher It is a benign universe in which we are, always just, always fair to the extreme.  If it does not appear so, our view of it may be  in need of adjustment.  Perhaps, just perhaps our focus is too narrow.…

  • The Need To Lean. . . .

    The words hang in mid air never to be forgotten as the voice that smugly said,  what’s so great about babies?  Anyone can have a baby!  And try telling that to the couple who have already spent thousands upon thousands of dollars just trying to do that.  Have a baby. Would it come as a…