Some Thoughts To Consider. . . .
Observations. . . One day when I stood at the kitchen window and looked at the neighbor’s new garage, I thought how wonderful that he took the blue prints and constructed the garage by himself. I am sure he felt trepidation at the onset and yet he did it. I heard in my inner self,…
To Break The Fast. . . .
It is a protection given us I think, that however our minds work, we assume we are like everyone else, or they like us. I am not sure when I began to realize that differences abound, but still I have difficulty when I am approached or when in frustration someone shouts, I don’t know…
You Also, Have Been Wondering. . . .
1. Pity has no place in a life so rich. Pity is no friend; he is the enemy who takes life. 2. Our so called ‘love of people’ serves to hide our very limited love of persons. When we cannot love persons, what good to say we love people? 3. Or is it that people…
Some Observations. . . .
Some Observations. . . How much of what crawls over memory’s house is what a person feels above doing and what is owed him or her because of who they are? And do they really know who they are? ***** Commitment must be taught. The ego must be put into place to allow…
Take a Few Moments. . . .
**We are the cabbage and the rose at once. Earthy and ethereal, at once. **Memories are the bridge to the future. **It takes time to pick up the threads of life upon return from being away, to make room for yourself again in lives that have already taken your absence into consideration. **Old friends like…
The Counselor. . . .
Oftentimes what I plan on doing does not happen. And in its place comes a something long incubating but not surfacing. In reading recently I came across the topic of emotions which brought Doris Lessing’s Shikasta series to mind. The series brought up many topics for consideration. And the subject of emotions are a topic…
Book Drawing
Book Drawing I have had more than a usual number who have been viewing my books for a drawing. The month has come and gone when I usually do and I missed my cue. Now I offer either a copy of Kiss The Moon, a book of poetry or The Last Bird Sings, a story…
Love Embraces All Worlds. . (without exception)
(this is my Christmas card for this year 2015 to my readers and loyal supporters in time and thought to my efforts in my blog. May you have a meaningful holy day or holiday whatever your persuasion. There is no misunderstanding when heart speaks to the each heart.)
Simple Observations
Simple Observations Creativity requires expression and the expression will take on the coloration of the individual souls. And memory being what it is would soon color the manifestations, would soon color situations with a diversity that would promote problem situations in order for Beings to work and live together. It is how worlds are born.…
Reaching Conclusions
from a journal entry. . . . . (I wrote this journal entry 9 months after I had gone into cardiac arrest twice. It was written February 02, 1994. There has been no editing. ) I think I have come to some conclusions. Many of them are so simple and primary that I wonder why…