We Had But One Name. . . .(in Genesis)
Perhaps Doris Lessing and I would not be close friends because of commitment. But I can and do admire her brilliance with the written word and some of her ideas. Two things of value stand out. The first is of long standing and I spent hours locating this source only to find it at midnight…
I Crashed The Gates. . . .
I have spent time in why I have reached some conclusions and also wish to write a post to explain a bit about my ability to scribe. I have been into scribing since the ‘60’s and even have the first poem, almost committed to memory. And that is not an easy mode for me, to…
The Bigger Picture is Always More. . . .
(I happened upon these scanned items in a file and was near tears. I have read them many times but in this form, cannot remember doing them. In reviewing my life, what brought tears was the fact that everything I write about is backed up. And learning for me is integrating what is…
Observations. . . .
I live in a neat house. On the day I set out the trash, garbage pickers drive by to look for good things. They drive away when they realize my garbage is like everyone else’s. They soon realize I don’t throw away good stuff. ***** For too many people life is a closed circuit TV. …
We are what we know . . .and cannot pretend. . .
(sometimes I need to repeat a post simply because I cannot improve upon what I learned. And I want to say to the parents of youngers, listen to them and see from where your kinders come. I want to plant what this younger said at 7 into those who sit in power and ask what…
we do what we can. . . . .
Researching a topic in spite of all the good intentions, its purpose is they say constructively, to criticize. Make no mistake, criticism in fancy dress still means you are wrong. They want to set you right. In this case, I realized that all my life I talked to animals and they to me. Trouble only…
the immigrant. . . .
Immigrant. . . I watched as you worked a mind through endless turmoil, sifting and sorting truth and fantasy and arriving. . . You opened eyes and unblinkingly stated, ‘you have always known, haven’t you? How did you do it?’ I knew I could not take even a moment of self revelation away, answered,…
The Scales Are Just. . . .
We are not the product of one lifetime, but many lifetimes and many frameworks. And we are a reference point to other frameworks. ***** The Ego which needs continual stroking becomes unwieldly and obscures divine passage. ***** ‘I am only human’ is an excuse that has been overworked. ***** To dismantle another’s world demands…
The Hard Work of Thought. . . .
It seems going through my head are many things connecting to all things. Nothing stands alone. I am not sure where to begin, if there is a beginning. Perhaps that is what we have to learn, that there is no beginning and no end. It can start anywhere for me and therefore anywhere for you. …
With Credence To Time Warps. . .
With Credence To Time Warps. . . (I had a dream where there was an old woman muttering over a young woman in a body cast with only eyes and mouth showing. I told the old woman to release her. I don’t know why she was punished, perhaps for prostitution. And a person throwing a…