Love her, she is ours. . . .
I am grateful for my readers who follow my work though they may not agree and sometimes not understand what I talk about. I overheard one talking to my son and he said he gave up because he had to look up every other word I used. I use words that come to mind and when I backtrack I often have to use the thesaurus to verify. That is the way my head works. I try to write in the vernacular and think I do. Then when I reread or hear a comment like above, I wonder.
I inwardly focus and have written about the deep place I enter to confer. I say this and there are silent others who read these words and they know of what I speak. I speak out now at the ending of my life so that there will be some understanding about the differences among us. We cannot continue to stagnate and have no progress in our humanity else we continue to decimate cultures and bury our children.
My squabbles with beloveds stem mostly with speaking on things that are outside the frame of reference. The following is dictation from a recent journal entry about my inability to fully appreciate how one can not understand something that is confronting one. It is a stumbling block for me when understanding is not commensurate with education. Another time for that, but here is the entry.
“when it is outside the frame of reference, that circle, that boundary, one cannot relate. Each piece of information must root to push the frame of reference a bit farther out. Each piece of information that makes sense, that roots, that finds reason will establish that piece firmly. And when something similar comes to mind there is a magnetic action. Growth happens, maybe no more than a micro, but growth. Each new piece then fuses and we have a macro something.
Faster paced is the growth for awhile. Enough so that it is noticeable and we have another human in evolution again. Keep this in mind. When there is nothing in the frame of reference that you give away for free, it is worth nothing. If it clicks and has them saying it makes sense, or is reasonable and roots, then we teach. We expand our knowledge and give grace expeditiously. Grande feeling, really grande. The lightbulb goes on.
Even when just one understands and the action roots, then all will progress. When the second one relates, we have a committee. The Master said that when you give me a drink, all thirst will be satiated. That is human progress in evolution.”
It is simple? May takes centuries for change to occur. When a new concept is adopted the brain opens chambers not used before and mankind prospers. There is truth in the maxim that we become what we feed our minds. I know, it is hard being human.
(excerpt from poem)
The Uncovering. .. . .
The idea will find its home in the minds of all men
and the revolution begins. The learned ones
will marvel at the evolution in thinking
and peace with brotherhood will slowly mark
its beginning in the house of one man. . . . . .
(written 1960’s. . .before I knew that all time
is simultaneous. . .quantum physics)
photo by Joe Hallissey, Sr.