How Much Is For Real. . . . or Illusion?
As I Watched. . . Part of a whole, yet wholly here. Slowly as I watched the silence was encompassing. Piece by blessed piece, each tree, each entity slowly folded upon itself and laid itself down. The screen protecting vanished as it bent itself into nothing, a wisp of an idea no longer useful.…
A Very Hard Road. . . .
I speak of psychic phenomena as it is known and why. The why is simple because it cannot be legislated to testing and not an across the board human endeavor. And to explain what Jesus meant when he said gather talents that moth and rust do not destroy; not so easy sometimes when one…
Observations. . . .
I live in a neat house. On the day I set out the trash, garbage pickers drive by to look for good things. They drive away when they realize my garbage is like everyone else’s. They soon realize I don’t throw away good stuff. ***** For too many people life is a closed circuit TV. …
We are what we know . . .and cannot pretend. . .
(sometimes I need to repeat a post simply because I cannot improve upon what I learned. And I want to say to the parents of youngers, listen to them and see from where your kinders come. I want to plant what this younger said at 7 into those who sit in power and ask what…
we do what we can. . . . .
Researching a topic in spite of all the good intentions, its purpose is they say constructively, to criticize. Make no mistake, criticism in fancy dress still means you are wrong. They want to set you right. In this case, I realized that all my life I talked to animals and they to me. Trouble only…
the immigrant. . . .
Immigrant. . . I watched as you worked a mind through endless turmoil, sifting and sorting truth and fantasy and arriving. . . You opened eyes and unblinkingly stated, ‘you have always known, haven’t you? How did you do it?’ I knew I could not take even a moment of self revelation away, answered,…
we laugh to hide our hurt. . . .
They were just children with a love offering. It glinted in the ground and when picked up it glittered as a star in the sky. Of course it would be given to the one loved most! And with grimy hand and full heart it was. With words accompanying the gift, they spilled as starbeams…
As I See It. . .
As I See It . . . . There are no more answers anywhere except those written within the individual on his heart. It is all there for him to discover and what he discovers will be adequate for this time. It works to cover tracks and to discover just one more truth which…
No Place To Go . . . .
There are others who have experience in matters not common. I have kept notes on dreams and researched my experiences. I could not speak openly and was cautioned much because of public circumstances. Times are different and I speak for the children who are different. There are babies now being born who have been mentored and…
If We Sing To The Children. . but you know. . . .
There comes to mind that time warp where events leave their linear places and congregate in the place where we know that thunderous motions occur with the simplest actions. Or even with no action. Like the times my brother Stanley and I discussed what he saw along the road but knew immediately I knew…