Author: Veronica Hallissey

  • Once A Dream. . . (it is what it is)

        Once a Dream. . . The windows are askew, even broken in some panes. The jambs at angles leaning drunkenly. I know they were a dream in some distant place, driving a soul to unbelievable ends, putting hopes together to hold the dream aloft; a boundary only to keep it from crashing before…

  • An Advanced Form Of Thinking. . .

      An Advanced Form Of Thinking. . . When the doctor stood at the door of the ward and worried and mourned the death of the newborns and their mothers,  he observed the young doctors moving from one bed to another.  He noted also they only wiped detritus from their hands with a dirty rag. …

  • Imaging. . .

      Imagination. . . some say it is conjecture, a figment of mind, not real. I visit it often as it is a place for me. It is part of my history. In a certain place and a certain time we fall into a rhythm; it is a dance. We learned our steps and our…

  • Owning The Experience. . .

      Owning the experience. . . He was just seven years old and hurt and  upset because his brothers and his dad questioned his knowledge. How do you know, they asked him, how do you know?  He stormed past the dining room table and shouted at them.  I know that I know!  And I heard…

  • Jubilation On The Mount. . .

      Jubilation On The Mount. . .   She said. . . ‘you go out too far.’ I said. . . ‘but that is where the work needs to be done.’ Jubilation.  There will be time for jubilation; a time for frolic. We will drink the variegated drinks. And we will dance. There is a…

  • No Rush To Judgement. . .

      No Rush To Judgement. . .I am 85 so there is no rush to judgement.  These are conclusions with thoughtful consideration in this third of a series. Is this how the rest of the world works?  That they have no inner motivations and can find nothing to spur them on?  Some said they couldn’t…

  • The Dark Side Man Calls His Humanity. . .

          (When I sat in my first Philosophy class and the Instructor was explaining the different ways of looking at life,  he went into detail about how some teachers thought every day life was illusion,  not real.  There was snickering of course because how could such details as study and tests be not…

  • The Confusion of Crossed Signals. . .

      The Confusion Of Crossed Signals. . . A young psychologist family friend and I were talking about the many problems concerning the young returning veterans in  his practice.  And the many suicides among them.  Remember when I said there were many grave problems and one of the reasons why was they had mothers and…

  • Agile Thinking Makes Connections. . .

      Agile Thinking Makes Connections No procedure is complicated if  allowed to draw itself from the boundaries which were once considered appropriate to it.  And any change necessary will be accommodated when proper procedures are instituted. I wonder the comment a friend made when I said I learned a philosophical principle during my woodworking that…

  • Around The Bend. . .

        When our David was twelve or thirteen,  he lay on his bed in the room he shared with  his brother and walked the walls in his stockinged feet.  When I get to be a star in the sky,  he said,  I will shine down and give power to help  people as they need…