Author: Veronica Hallissey

  • Attitude With Gratitude

      Even as a child I was happy to see the long, hot summer gone.  With the Labor Day holiday over, for me the new year begins.  The start of school again was exciting  and I could hardly contain my enthusiasm for the smell of new tablets, new crayons and pencils.  This excitement with learning…

  • The Mind’s Sampler

    (Do you ever wonder about. . . . The Martha(s) will serve and clear tables and see to the children.  Mary will also do what Mary(s) do. . . .puff up the pillows and sit at the Master’s feet.  It is a tenuous thread that speaks of a psychologically explainable condition.  Yet it does raise…

  • If You Have A Minute To Think. . . . .

    One cannot legislate the future one way or another.  It is happening at the precise minute you think about it.  It cannot go away and no amount of fretting will change it one iota. Your acts upon your days have already sent the future into a direction which will reveal itself. Supposing man gave headroom…

  • The Morning’s Bliss

    Mornings have always been special. The sounds blended on the street as Princess (our then German Shepherd) and I walked. The lights in the homes spoke of early risers, the occasional car with lights on. The dog down the street spoke his urgency to get matters started. There still is a benevolence to the morning…

  • Kiss The Morning Into Being

      I think I will have it as my epithet.   It means a word or phrase that describes an attribute of characteristic quality.   I like it.  Kiss the Morning Into Being For It Has Long Won The Battle Over Night.  My need to know what I needed to know was my long night.  It has…

  • From Whence Cometh My Strength

                        Much comes to mind when I read Jon Katz’ s blog which is a favorite. His problems I can relate to because my most formative years were on The Farm.   When I write my memory is always sitting in some farmplace.   His blog by guest…

  • An Ever Fixed Mark

    An Ever Fixed Mark What can be written that has not been written before? What are the new voices saying to old hearts turning mellow? Not much one hears is different except the ever fixed mark which shrouds a piece of truth and shows its consistency. It is exactly that. . . an ever fixed…

  • Argument With Crossed Signals

    Another Argument with Crossed Signals There was a maxim often repeated when I was growing up that one never ‘tempts the gods.’ My ‘sense of’ justice and unfairness peaked early for me for which I was punished. When I was a child, I was puzzled  that the big people did not take issue with this…

  • The Reclused

    The Reclused We do not violate the solitude cherished as a milch cow on a painted pasture. We usurp with kindness any benevolence dispensed on us as gratitude. What are we for you might well ask, since in previous times we reclused to the woods, garnering ourselves to buffet so many affairs as insults to…

  • Not A Whim Of The Potter

    It is a wonderful play on words when we are given a phrase and then run like the wind with it.  I was reading about a ‘sense of snow’ and the history of it.  How someone with this sense can tell you many things when seeing a footprint in the snow and who made it,…