just for you. . .you are worth it to me!. . . . . .
I guess one could call me legitimately broken as a human being this morning. I sit here with my headband made of 1 inch elastic stretched to the measurement of my head covered with a casing of fabric to look a bit fashionable. It helps a head that hurts with no side effects like pharmaceuticals.…
Time’s Gleanings. . .
All knowledge is applicable to the self. If it is used to manipulate and maneuver Others it then becomes a game. ***** Insight implies sight to be applied inward. ***** Genuine laughter cleanses the toxic waste from swollen glands. ***** Only the secure one can afford to laugh at oneself. ***** To laugh at oneself…
Throw A Kiss To The Stars. . .
Younger sisters should play by the rules and allow the elder to leave first. But my sister stayed as long as she was able and left us this week abruptly. This poem is personal in that love abounds. I whispered it in reading again with great love in our coming together as adults…
Where The Bread Knows. . . the perfect kitchen. .
The Perfect Kitchen. . . cook’s heaven. . . (where the bread knows the feel of my hands. .) I have been in cook’s heaven and I need to get my fill of it. Son John and in law daughter Lori have given me a taste of that paradisal place every cook knows exists but…
The Sages Kick Start. . .
I keep on hand stenographer tablets to jot down notes I think important in rereading the journal entries. I came across this poem thoughts. I do not know when I wrote it nor what entry prompted it. I may have been deeply focused in thought with someone. I remember the first line glimpse I…
An Open Forum . . it takes courage. . . .
Today I realized that when I watch certain television programs, I audit the class. It is fatiguing with my hearing problem, but with certain programs, I work it so that I use television as class time. I realize my head is open, and by that I mean doors are open letting in activity of sound…
My Eternal Love. . . . .my earth. . .
Love Letter To My Planet Earth . . . . My love affair started when I was eight and laid upon the green grass and willed the clouds into playmates for my thoughts. I wished I told my sky that I wished to be wise. I am not sure I knew what wise meant other…
With Credence To Time Warps. . .
With Credence To Time Warps. . . (I had a dream where there was an old woman muttering over a young woman in a body cast with only eyes and mouth showing. I told the old woman to release her. I don’t know why she was punished, perhaps for prostitution. And a person throwing a…
We Are It, Sailors, We are It . . . . .
Take to Heart This Earth Planet Classroom. . . . . I have been in a few rooms when some beloveds have been preparing to transit this world. Some have been hospital rooms where it has been calmer when attention is focused on what was happening and not being diverted from the one leaving our…
The Invited Guest. . . .
with hammer and saw and wood and file. . . . Many of us when…