Since the publication of Kiss The Moon, I have had a few requests to use the poem, Abundance, in ceremonies of commitment. In these months of May and June , I would be honored if you choose the poem to be read at your ceremony. It is one of my favorites and I think speaks…
A Different Reality
A Different Reality I have read Michael Talbot’s book called The Holographic Universe and in it is a different way to explain reality. It is what the theory of quantum physics is about and I was surprised that I have been living this physics. In rereading journals I have found much that I had forgotten…
I Lit The Candle
I Lit The Candle I lit the candle and waited. Time passed. I lit the candle and waited. Fill me, Sweet Spirit. Let my heart learn once again the habit of loving. Come into my kitchen among the cutlery and pots, to the table in the middle of chaos. Two chairs. I light the candle…
Pieces Of The Rock
Pieces Of The Rock Nowadays we nicely say that one is in denial when what one is too embarrassed to own. We say it never happened. An elder always quoted her favorite saying as an absolute. You can always catch a thief she said but you can never catch a liar. Jesus said all ye…
Fairy Dust
Fairy Dust Will the children find how shaky all things are and the gods who are their parents, all illusion? What will I say then? “All of it, my dear, all of it is nothing but fairy dust, created by a head in search of its own dream.” Where would I be then? In…
The Homecoming
The Homecoming The Teachers Speak. . . .there are many ways to explain the life most lead on the Earth planet with even a normal set of senses. Yet there are so many different ways outside the senses and if one tried to understand fully the picture, one would become immobile. There are that…
An Ordinary Person
For at least the last half century I have been involved in what would be called a study program. My intent and intensity was brought about by my need to know. I wanted answers to my why’s. When what I was taught, what I learned and read and what I even invented did not work,…
Earth’s Prayer and Benediction
We Are Earth’s Prayer And Benediction Over the years I have asked us all to fall in love with our Earth. Obviously it must have been easy for me because I am still in love with her even though I am ending my earth cycle. I described it as a oneness, a union nothing…
Will It Be A Memory?
There is nothing given but what something is taken away. For many lifetimes our planet has given her people lush greens and vibrant blues and a sundry of goods to please the avaricious heart. We know for a fact who this is among us. We all participate in the plundering of our Mother Earth; in…
Approaching Earth Day (April 22, 2015)
To Honor Our Earth Mother Teachers and Students Speak With One Voice. . . There are guidelines set since time immemorial for human conduct. These are irrefutable. Such as to be kind to one another. To love one another, to do unto others, etc. These are not premises of a general nature but with a…